Deporental Services menyediakan jasa layanan
Deporental Services to provide services
A. Sewa Mobil Box - Box Car Rental
Sewa mobil box dengan berbagai ukuran seperti Zebra, Espass, Grandmax, L 300, dan truk enam roda. Sistim sewa mobil box adalah - Box Car rental with various sizes such as Zebra, Espass, Grandmax, L 300, and a six-wheel trucks. Box Car rental system are :
1. Antar pertujuan / ritase untuk Jabotabek, Jawa & Bali
Between a goal / ritase for Greater Jakarta, Java & Bali
2.Sewa harian dengan sistim paket 8 jam di wilayah Jakarta. Harga sudah termasuk BBM, supir
dan biaya tol. Daily rental system with 8 hour packages in the Jakarta area. Prices include fuel, driver and toll charge.
3. Sistim Sewa mingguan
Weekly rental system
4 Sewa bulanan
Monthly Rent
B. Perawatan dan perbaikan kendaraan anda langsung di lokasi Pabrik, kantor ataupun rumah anda. Perawatan / perbaikan meliputi perawatan rutin seperti ganti oli, mesin, kaki-kaki, busi, ataupun perbaikan mesin lainnya. Maintenance and repair your vehicle on-site factory, office or your home. Maintenance / repairs include routine maintenance such as oil changes, engine, feet, plugs, or other things.
C. Perawatan & perbaikan alat berat seperti forklift, dll.
Maintenance and repair of heavy equipment such as forklifts, etc. ; 62.21.50611911 ; 62.21.71573969 ; 0813 872 92 368
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